Tightening the Circle over Eel Country
The extraordinary range of her interests — work, love, sensuality, and man's plight in a forlorn civilization — is reinforced by her exquisite regard fo language and a lively fascination with the possibilities of form."
William Packard, editor,
New York Quarterly
On Tightening The Circle Over Eel Country, which won the Great Lakes Colleges
Association's "New Writer's Prize for Best First Book of Poetry 1975-76":
"Elisavietta Ritchie's poetry combines a Byzantine elegance with straightforward
plain style honesty. The extraordinary range of her interests -- work, love, sensuality,
and man's plight in a forlorn civilization -- is reinforced by her exquisite regard for
language and a lively fascination with the possibilities of form." William Packard,
editor, New York Quarterly